2006-right now


this is a condesed and worse experience of this site becasue im racist so you only get this.


about me

I was born 2006 in Sweden. yöp Programming I started doing simple games in scratch but felt limited after a while. I learnt python and made automations and later games in tkiner(yeah). Ofc I felt limited with tkinter so I "learnt" godot but reized making games was'nt for me. I went back to python to applications but hated python so I learnt Java for the structure but after a year I relized my mistake(learning Java) so i began learning C. Piano / Music I've always created music and my first more "serious" music was my electronic music on spotify but later when i started playing the piano, I didn't stop.


allan.j.werner@gmail.com for free


youtube → electronic
spotify → electronic
linktree → electronic

music projects

Piano 01 (CD)

My first CD with 25 of my best pianopieces, 50min. So far there only exsist under 10 copies, the pieces does not and will never exsist online :)

programming projetcs


a lightweight markup language for terminal. all info is on github for now